Let’s say you select the wrong things you want to chamfer, instead of hitting cancel or escape, just hit X. When working with tools in the create or modify menus, you’ll see next to the various inputs, an X. Fusion 360 however, has a bunch of neat tricks for when you make errors. One of the most common things I see beginners do is freak out if they click on the wrong thing. Then broken down into various categories so you can prioritize the content that is most important to you! You can find it here. It’s laid out in a simple way for you to get started. If YouTube isn’t for you, and you prefer a more structured way of learning, the learning portal is your best bet. The YouTube channel is full of great tutorials, quick tips, and videos on how to use Fusion 360. If you’re just starting out, or even if you’re familiar with other CAD packages, I always recommend starting with the learning content! We use both Youtube and our own official learning portal to get started. Thankfully we’ve got your back, so just take a deep breath, put on a brew, and let’s take things slowly. Here are my top 10 tips for total beginners when it comes to CAD, design, and Fusion 360! Getting Started – Fusion 360 1. Well hello, and congrats on getting started with Fusion 360! It’s a wide world of opportunity out there, and chances are, you might be a bit overwhelmed at the beginning. We’ll focus on the basics of design and 3D CAD. New to Fusion 360? Here are 10 tips to help you easily get started.